Saturday 24 December 2022

How To Draw A Broom?

     Drawing a broom is an easy task. You need a step-wise step to draw a broom. 

First, draw a long shaft that is about 5mm and 3 cm long. For this, draw two straight lines that are 5mm apart, and later, draw a curved surface to give it a finish. 

Then, the second step is to draw many lines at another end. We already drew a 3 I'm long line. In this line, at about 5 mm. Draw many straight lines that look projected from the broom shaft at various angles. Then, the second step is to draw a straight line opposite to it. But these lines are shorter (about 2 mm). There will be a construction formed in these positions to tie a rope. 

With shading and coloring, give it a final or finishing touch. By this way, you can draw a broom easily. 

Places Where Broom Can Be Kept

    Broom is used to keeping the floor clean. Broom is used in many places including bathrooms or restrooms. This makes the handling of the broom difficult. They shouldn't be touched without any purpose and they should be kept out of sight and reach from others. But in small spaces, keeping a broom out of sight and contact can be extremely difficult. Especially, when there are children or toddlers at home. Today, we are going to give you a list of places where you can place your broom. 

1. At the corner 

We all have a door in our room and restroom. When the door is open, there is a space between a wall and a door. You can keep your broom in this space. 

For this, keep your broom in the corner. Then, open your door. Your broom will get hidden in the space. This can be applied anywhere where there is a door. 

2. Under the bed 

The bed has some space. This applies when you have a simple bed with legs. It doesn't include a box bed or a low bed. The broom can be kept easily under the bed if you have enough space. 

3. Outside 

Brooms are made of substances that once were living beings. Even if the broom is made of plastic, it can be deteriorated easily by sun and water. In this case, you will have to bring your broom outside otherwise you need to find a space that gets long shading hours.  

4. In the storehouse 

If you have a storehouse near you, then it can be a place to keep your broom after use. Being the storehouse near to you, you can easily access them and keep them after use. 

These are the places that are best to keep a broom after its use. 

Why put shaving cream on broom?

      Shaving cream contains many types of chemical constituents. It is found in many forms like aerosol, and emulsion. It is of many types like lather producing and non-lather producing and lubricating. Cream that produces lather contains soap and this soap helps in decreasing the surface tension as well as contributes to lubrication. Also, due to decreased surface tension, dirt and germ particles get easily cleansed. 

Lubricating shaving cream contains oil products as a major constituent. They make cleaning easy. But due to their high viscosity, dirt and other particles may get easily attracted to them. Which may require additional requirements in cleaning the brush. Shaving cream also contains alcohol and propellants. These compounds help the cleaning process effectively. 

Due to these properties of shaving cream and the chemicals present in it. It is used in the broom while cleaning to make cleaning effective and easier. Also, it aids in removing the micro-organisms which are not visible to the naked human eye. 

Friday 23 December 2022

Is Broom A Plant? Can it be cut back?

              Broom is made up of various substance or stuffs. Some stuffs used to make a broom are thin sticks derived from bamboo. long and thin clothes, plant and parts of plant. 

 Broom is made up of various stuffs and this depends upon the location and culture of people. Also, broom serve the purpose in different textures surface.  For example: in western world, broom with long shaft or handle are available whereas in Asia, two types of plants are used. One is short or medium in size whereas another plant is long and flowers. Also, the tall one is about 1.7 m tall and has long and broad leaves. 

While the short plant used for making broom is about 0.5 m and is bushy. It has short and broad leaves like that of chili. 

Can broom be cut back? Yes, before making a broom a plant with enough maturity is taken. It is cut back before it dry. Then, it is dried under the shade, and this is called curing. At last, when there is a need to make a broom, they are bundled, and a broom is made.

Uses Of Broom

  A broom is a cleaning tool consisting of stiff fibers or twigs attached to a long handle. It is a common household item used for cleaning ...